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Friday, May 27, 2011


I was driving up to the metropolis of Floyd earlier today to distribute some fliers (yes, we have land for sale!) and to catch a quick bite for lunch.  I was also searching for inspiration for this blog; something not very hard to come by in these beautiful blooming days of late May.  As I crested one of my favorite hills on the short but lovely half hour drive - we are equidistant between downtown Floyd and downtown Roanoke here on the mountain - I saw Buffalo Mountain looming fearsomely over to the south. 

I love "The Buffalo" as it's known around here, appropriately shaped and especially exotic after you have read "The Man who Moved the Mountain", and consider that not that many years ago Buffalo Mountain was a rough part of Appalachia governed by moonshiner outlaws.  Bob Childress THE MAN as in Who moved the mountain?) was a Presbyterian minister who brought civility to the mountain folk.  The six little rock churches out in the middle of nowhere that he and his congregations built stand today and still preach the word on Sundays.  Read the book if you get a chance.  I think I'll put it on my list of summer rereads.

Well, what I was going to write about when I got detoured by The Buffalo was the Floyd County wave.  People here don't just give you the index-finger-off-the-steering-wheel wave; they full out salute you with the whole handed so-glad-to-see-you variation.  One more thing I love about Floyd County.  Strangers waving at you as you pass each other at 55mph, daydreaming about The Buffalo. 

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